
Contractor Engagement and Retention

  • Find a suitable candidate
  • Explain the work process
  • Offer them a contract
  • Organize Canopy
    • Manage Contractor facing projects to create tasks, descriptions, and rules that clearly and concisely deliver all relevant information about the client, the work that the client needs done, and how to go about doing that work.
  • Check in on contractors' progress
  • Track the Contractor’s hours per client to assess the profitability of client and the efficiency of the contractor
  • Review their work once they have marked a task for review
  • Deliver any questions or answers from the client to them for edits
  • /home4/jaxestax/public_html/wiki/data/pages/client-facing/contractor-engagement-and-retention.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/30 18:54
  • by jaxestaxes